Children’s Bible Stories for Toddlers

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Ensino Livros
Developer: Copenhagen Publishing House

Childrens Bible Stories for Toddlers is an interactive Bible app with touch activated elements and sounds on every page which toddlers can enjoy. The stories are retold in short simple sentences focusing on the illustrative and interactive modes that toddlers love. Artwork is created by British children’s artist, Gill Guile, and the stories are faithfully retold by Christian teacher, Dawn Mueller.

Includes all of the following:

When God Made The World (Genesis 1-2), Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9), A Tall Tower (Genesis 11), Moses in the Basket (Exodus 2), Out of Egypt (Exodus 7-12), The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-32), The Walls of Jericho (Joshua 1-6), Samson (Judges 13-16), David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17), Daniel and the Lions (Daniel 6), Jonah and the Great Fish (Jonah 1-4), Jesus is Born (Luke 2), The Big Catch of Fish (Luke 5), Through the Roof to Jesus (Mark 2), Jesus Feeds the People (Luke 9), Jesus Stills The Storm (Luke 8), Lazarus, Wake Up! (John 11), Jesus is Crucified (Matthew 27), Jesus is Alive! (Matthew 27-28), Going Back to Heaven (Matthew 28, Acts 1 & Revelation 21)

About us
The text has been through a theological editorial process to faithfully reflect the Bible and Christian tradition. This characterizes all products of Copenhagen Publishing, which is an international Christian publisher of Bible books for children and App concepts which are sold internationally to more than 40 countries.

We would love to hear from you!
Please help us to continue to develop better app concepts and Bible books by sending us your feedback and leaving your reviews. Be assured we do read them all. We are constantly looking for ways we can improve ourselves and the rapidly growing range of digital products we will launch in the near future. We look much forward hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Michael Berghof/Publisher
email: [email protected]

c) Sounds used from